Moose Inc’s 2013/14 Presentations within Ottawa, Gatineau and the NCC

Moose Inc’s primary activity through 2013/2014 has been to seek professional and public review of our adaptation of the Property-Powered Railway Open Development Model to the Greater National Capital Region. We have pursued this through direct discussions with experts in industry associations, in companies, amongst potential investors, and with academics. We are testing the logic of our approach with professionals and academics inside and outside the region. And we have met with professional staff and elected officials in the federal government, and in municipal governments, large and small, across this extensive region. That’s to say, we’ve been quietly doing our homework on what we think will be a truly positive and fundamental game-changer for both economic development and overall lifestyle throughout the Greater National Capital Region.

Here are Moose Inc’s main formal public submissions of 2013/2014:

Carleton University Green Energy Symposium: “Tomorrow’s Sustainable Transportation”, 29 November, 2014.
Sustainable Transit Finance through the Property-Powered RailOpen Development Model
Supplementary: “Rails-with-Trails” Sustainable Transportation and You

A Financial and Economic View of the Property-Powered Rail Open Development Model.”Rail Projects on the Rise” Panel Session (Canadian Urban Transit Association, 2014 Fall Conference), 18 November 2014  (Presentation by The Opman Company)
Presentation File

Two New Uses for Payments Data in Applied Geographical Economics: Micro and Macro Examples (Envision Geomatics Conference, Gatineau), 12 November 2014 (Presentation by The Opman Company)
Presentation File

Climate Change Challenges & Community Solutions in the Gatineau Hills,  26 October 2014
Wakefield Community Centre    Presentation File

Community of National Capital Region Engineers and Knowledge Workers,  24 October 2014: Ottawa City Hall
Event Media Advisory  Moose Inc Media Advisory  Presentation File  Video

Professional Engineers of Ontario (Ottawa Chapter) “Bulding a Smarter City”
14 October 2014: Invited Keynote to Open the Kanata Candidates Debate on  “Building a Smarter City” (Ottawa Municipal Election 2014), Version 2.0

Ottawa Chamber of Commerce (Transportation Committee)
22 September 2014: Invited Presentation to the Transportation Committee of the Ottawa Chamber of Commerce

Canada/US Experts Panel Co-Hosted by Carleton U & U Québec
16 September, 2014: Property-Powered Rail in Open Markets

National Capital Commission (NCC)
23 April 2013: Submission to National Capital Commission (NCC), Board of Directors

Ville de Gatineau
25 March 2013: Submission to Ville de Gatineau, Section de la planification stratégique (Plan de déplacements durables)

City of Ottawa (Transportation Committee)
15 November 2013: Submission to City of Ottawa, Transportation Committee (Transportation Master Plan)

15 November 2013: Presentation to City of Ottawa, Transportation Committee (Transportation Master Plan)

Please consider how you can help assemble companies and real property investors to develop a station, whether you’re from Kanata or Barrhaven, Alexandria or La Pêche, Smiths Falls or The Pontiac, or any of the other places that exiting infrastructure will take Moose Rail. Your can read our Property-Powered Rail white paper to understand the business model.

Be sure to let your elected representatives and municipal staff know how your station in particular, and how whole-region transit integration generally, will benefit people of your area.

The team at Moose Inc would love to hear from you, and we will be happy to assist where we can with each station development team’s efforts, though respectfully we will not take any positions in the local affairs of neighbourhoods and communities.

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