Business Model
The Property-Powered Railway Open Market Development Model has a dual purpose.
— Return on investment optimization in real property
— Metropolitan transit systems and services
The “Property-Powered Rail Open Market Development Model” is designed to optimize return on investment in real property by delivering metropolitan-scale passenger railway systems and services on a commercial open market basis to a limited number of “Linked Localities”, without any dependence upon government subsidies, public debt, or taxes.
Each station would be owned, developed and operated as an independent business in the Moose “Linked Localities” Consortium. In order to be provided train service, participating owners and investors in commercial and residential property (autonomously or co-operatively owned; profit seeking or not- for-profit; private or public sector) would sign an agreement to split the increase in after-tax net income and realized asset value of commercial and residential properties within an easy walk of each station.
Trains will service each participating locality in exchange for a monthly fee based upon a simple formula that makes use of independent empirical data on the property market effects of that railway access. This “train stopping fee” is calculated as a proportion of the measured increase in realized property revenues (marginal increase in leases, rents) and capital gains (marginal increase in sales closed in the period).
The financial values attributable to the provision of the passenger railway service will be determined by an internationally-respected arms-length supplier of property value assessments, based upon a standardized published formula.
Investors and owners in each Linked Locality would retain full autonomy to cultivate and manage their own agreements, financing, governance and design context according to their respective jurisdictions and development cultures.
Moose Consortium fully respects each municipality’s prerogatives over zoning, approvals, taxation, bylaws and municipal transportation planning in accordance with the City’s normal application review and approval processes.